Prov 17:22

A merry heart doeth good like a medicine... - Proverbs 17:22

Friday, January 28, 2011

Win a Free Book!

Post a comment below and I will put your name in a draw for a free copy of Chicken Soup for the Soul: Devotionals for Mothers, autographed by one of the contributors (Moi). If you already have one, that's ok. They make great gifts. Draw will be made Sunday, January 30, at 3:00 p.m. Central Standard Time. If you win, I'll need your contact info, so keep checking back! And yes, if you live far away, you can still enter - I'll mail it to you.


  1. Dear Terrie, I think you are incredible! I admire your courage and stick-to-it-ness and your ability to write! I can hardly write a grocery list!

  2. You are my favorite author and I'd say that even if I didn't have a chance to win your book. Now to figure out how to post this.....

  3. Anonymous is Barb - only she doesn't know how to get her name in there lol.....I need a lesson.

  4. Welcome to the world of blogging, Terrie. It's kinda fun once you get the hang of it. Wishing you much success in all you write.

  5. Enjoy anything you write & it's nice to be able to read your creations more then just once a week in the paper.

  6. Terrie: What fun it has been to catch up and discover the "grown up" you! I would love to visit with you in person someday.


  7. I'm in! I left a comment on your last post too! Do I get two entries??

    You are a gifted writer, Terrie.

  8. I did try to post yesterday without a contest, honest. Thanks for telling me about your blog, Terrie. I've read them all and thoroughly enjoyed myself. You always make me laugh out loud or touch me deeply.

  9. Admire your creativity in writing. Don't know how you come up with all those thoughts/ideas. You must have a lot of stuff stored up in that brain of yours. I wish you well in your writing career -go for the top, you got what it takes!

  10. Terri, I didn't know you were a writer, until I read it on Barb's Facebook where can I read your writing? Where can I buy your books?

  11. Terrie, tell Doug to go out and buy the book, haha

  12. I already bought one from you and I love your stories in it. I wouldn't mind one to give to my mom though.

  13. Hey Terrie! I've been working at a drugstore here in Morden for awhile now, and over Christmas we sold this book! I was so proud to tell everyone that came through my til with the book that I knew the author of some of the stories! Way to go!!!
    ~Lisa Fraser

  14. Thanks, everyone. My hubby drew Lisa's name so you can blame him if you didn't win this time. I appreciate your participation! Enjoy your book, Lisa.
