Prov 17:22

A merry heart doeth good like a medicine... - Proverbs 17:22

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I Thought I Was Prepared...

Yay! The latest Chicken Soup for the Soul books arrived on my doorstep today - "Grandmothers."  My story's on page 55. Here's a little excerpt:

I thought I was prepared.

The day he was born, I rode along with his other grandparents to the hospital to meet our mutual little descendant for the first time. While I waited in the hall, I studied the instructional posters on the walls, filled with advice for new parents. I remembered how challenging those first few days could be. Given the hospital rules, I fully expected that my first sight of my little grandson would be in his plastic baby bed and I was prepared. But when I turned around, I instantly knew that no amount of groundwork could have prepared me for that moment. Instead of the expected baby bed, I was beholding my own firstborn carrying his firstborn in his arms. 

I came unglued. 

I can hardly wait to read the other 100 stories! If the book isn't in stores yet, it will be soon. Or, if you are a local friend and want one for $10, I have a limited supply - first come, first serve. Just let me know via FB, comment here, or email and I'll save you one.


  1. hehe sorry to laugh, but i don't remember this at all! glad you wrote it down so i can relive it :)

  2. I really should read it now, but I still haven't finished reading Preparing for Adolescents. I'm a bit behind in my reading.

  3. Read them both together, Karen, and you'll be prepared for adolescent grandchildren! :)
