writing this, my first blog post from our new house, surrounded by packed boxes
still stacked high and rain pouring out the window. But the electric fireplace blazes,
tea is on, and I am home.
us late bloomers. After 36 years of marriage, for the first time ever, hubby
and I own both the house we live in and the property on which it sits. Having
raised three terrific people to adulthood in a mobile home, I understand a
“real house” is not essential to a good life. But I still gotta say, it feels great
to call it ours.
previous move was a temporary arrangement. Two years grew to four. The place
before that was supposed to be temporary, but “a year or two” morphed into
seven. We leased the place before that a year at a time, always hoping to buy
“maybe next year,” as soon as the owner agreed to sell. After fifteen years, we
gave up and moved.
temporary nature of our homes has felt unsettling, unmotivating, and sometimes,
disheartening. Now, as long as we pay our mortgage and property taxes, we can
stay. We can paint our walls periwinkle blue and Persian melon. We can let the
weeds grow, and so far we’ve done a superb job of that.
you’ve ever purchased a home, you already know every house comes with its
quirks and things that go bump in the night. Some of these you find quickly,
like discovering your basement landing has only one light switch, and it’s
upstairs. Other secrets will reveal themselves over time. It’s the nature of
home ownership, or, as some call it, the money pit.
even if you could create the perfect house filled with impeccable furnishings
and fixtures, it’s only a matter of time before the law of entropy rears its
ugly head – everything tends toward disorder. (Which shoots a massive hole in
the theory of evolution, but that’s a topic for another day.) Chances are,
you’ll ding up the new paint or scuff the floor just moving in furniture. If
it’s perfection you need, don’t look for it on this planet. And if you find it,
it won’t last.
whether you live in a mortgage-free mansion or a one-room apartment, the truth
is, it’s all temporary. The day approaches when we will move on, some of us
straight to a pine box and some of us via the scenic route of assisted living,
nursing home, hospital. There’s no getting around it.
I, for one, possess no desire to “get around it.”
the contrary. I can relax about the quirks of
my house, the repairs that will inevitably become necessary, and the
impermanence of it all. You see, the most talented carpenter who ever walked
the planet is preparing a home for me. The same designer who paints the sunset
is choosing the colors. I don’t know what He’s making it from, how large He’s
making it, or how He’s furnishing it. But I do know this: it’s going to be flawlessly
and completely custom-designed especially for me by the One who created me and
knows me better than I know myself. And it will never wear out. How
do I know? One of the last things Jesus told his disciples before he went back
to his Father was “I am going to prepare a place for you, so that where I am,
there you may be also.”
old spiritual says, “This world is not my home, I’m just a-passin’ through. My
treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue. The angels beckon me from
Heaven’s open door, and I can’t feel at home in this world anymore.”
For now, I intend to enjoy our cozy
bungalow with a glad and grateful heart.