Do you have moments you wish you could return
to and prevent something from happening? I suspect we all do. I experienced one
last week.
You may recall my telling about the eight
days I spent in charge of my small grandsons in Calgary last January. With
their parents two countries away, I felt paranoid all week that something
horrible would happen to one of the boys on my watch. I mentally rehearsed how
I’d handle such a disaster.
Nothing ever happened.
Ironically, when we visited them again
last week, such fears were farthest from my mind. With their mom in a Zoom
meeting at home and their dad running an errand, I decided to take the boys to
the park at the end of their street. They rode their bikes and wore their
helmets. They enjoyed a swell time on the swings, slides, and climbing
equipment. I loved pushing them, catching them, and laughing with them while we
soaked up a glorious sunny morning.
When it was time to return home, I began
packing our belongings and helping the younger guy put his bike helmet back on.
Linus, the four-year-old, had never taken his off. He jumped on his bike and
took off. Next thing I knew, a stranger ran toward me carrying a screaming
Linus. His mouth appeared to be full of blood, the front of his T-shirt soaked red.
A closer look revealed a deep gash in his chin. He was shaking and hysterical.

I felt horrible.
Yes, I know these things happen. Yes, I
know it could have happened even if I’d kept my eyes glued to him. And yes, I
know it could have been far worse. None of that stopped me from wishing I’d
stayed home in Manitoba. That way, even if Linus took a spill, it wouldn’t have
been on my watch.
Funny how we think. No one blamed me. In
fact, my daughter said if it had to happen, it was the best-case scenario
because I could stay with the two-year-old, freeing both parents to take Linus
to the hospital.
Did it have to happen? I suppose as
long as we live in a broken world where gravity rules and is (mostly) a good
thing, these things do “have to happen.” But I’d gladly split my own chin open
and worse if doing so could have spared Linus the pain and trauma. Every parent
and grandparent understands that.
I’m relieved to hear Linus is healing
swiftly. Hopefully, he’ll be a little more cautious…or maybe not. He is a
four-year-old boy, after all.
For me, I suppose it’s yet another lesson
in humility and knowing I cannot control everything. Sometimes my best effort isn’t
enough. If their parents trust me with the boys again, I hope I’ll be more
mindful without becoming a worry-wort, helicopter grandmother. Besides, I’ll
never know how many angels surrounded Linus that day, allowing this relatively
minor injury while preventing one far more serious.
A teacher I admire once said, “Don’t ask
God to keep your children safe. Instead, ask him to make them dangerous.
Dangerous to the kingdom of darkness.” That’s a hard one to swallow, but
there’s truth in it. I suppose if we allow the hard knocks of life to grow us
and our children into more valiant warriors in the Lord’s army, they can be
answers to that prayer.
Even if they must happen on my watch.