In 2014, when the
Prairie Players launched an on-stage radio play (It’s a Wonderful Life), I wondered how on earth that might work.
Did anyone really want to sit in an audience, listening to actors reading from
scripts? Or would we sit in the dark, hearing voices over the speakers and
imagining the rest, much like a real 1940’s radio audience would have? Either
way, I feared the production might be a bust.
I worried for nothing.
It was fantastic! An engaging story in every way.
So when I heard the
group was staging another radio drama for this season, I relaxed. I’m not part
of the production, but I sat in on a recent rehearsal so I could tell you about
it. Let me assure you, you don’t want to miss it! If you’re not already in the
Christmas spirit by then, you will be when you leave. Unless your heart is
stone dead.
Directed by Rosa Albanese
Rawlings, the play features Peggy Tidsbury as the radio announcer. Rumour has
it Peggy basically wrote her own script, working in some clever advertising for
our local sponsors. That in itself will keep you laughing.
The rest of this
talented cast includes Maggie Davidson as Doris Walker; Fabien de Freitas as
Fred Gailey and the postman; Haley L’Heureux as Susan Walker (close your eyes
while she speaks, and you’ll swear she’s a real seven-year-old!); Barry Rud as
Kris Kringle; and Terry Tully who portrays four characters: Mr. Shellhammer,
Dr. Pierce, Judge Harper, and Charles Halloran.
Amber Blume, Rita
Carignan, Betty-Jean Checkley, Wayne Loeppky, Fran Myles, Reid Noton, and
Tyrone Taylor round out the cast.
One of the things
making this play so fun is the excellent piano music provided live on stage by
Stephanie Kauffman. By the end of the night, you may have heard snippets of
every Christmas song ever written. Stephanie is also the play’s
producer—because one job is never enough for that gal!

While searching little-known
trivia about this popular old movie, I learned the rivalry between Macy’s and
Gimbel’s department stores was as real as depicted in the film. The two stores,
just blocks from each other in New York City, competed fiercely for the same
business. One reporter wrote that Macy’s closed for a half-day when the movie
premiered so its 12,000 employees could see it first. It was released May 3,
which is odd for a Christmas story nowadays.
The play alone will
run on November 29 and 30 at 7:30 and tickets cost $15. If you prefer dinner
theatre, you can attend on December 1 or 2 for $45. Catered by Café on Prince,
those evenings begin with cocktails at 5:30, dinner at 6:30, and the play at
7:30. All events take place at the William Glesby Centre where you can buy your
tickets in person or by calling 204-239-4848.