Prov 17:22

A merry heart doeth good like a medicine... - Proverbs 17:22

Friday, February 15, 2013

De Jour List, Day Two of Writing for the Soul

I apologize to friends and family who've been waiting to hear the news. They keep us so busy here, I've been too exhausted to blog. You probably gathered by now I did not win the Operation First Novel contest. Again. Hate to say I told you so.

Here are the highlights from today.

Awesome service of the Day: At midnight last night I discovered that, a) I had misassembled my comb-bound proposal that I might need first thing in the morning and b) I left at home all my one-sheets that I would most definitely need first thing in the morning. I took apart the proposal and couldn’t get the plastic binder thingy back on by hand. It cost me some sleep and much beating up of self. This morning, the hotel’s business center a) printed my one-sheets, in colour, without charge; and b) rebound my proposal with the same binder, by hand. All before 7:30 a.m.
Unbelievable God-orchestrated event of the Day: In my very first appointment of the morning, Julie Guinn from B & H Publishing told me they are putting together a series of women’s fiction from WWII that take place in OTHER countries. They did not yet have one from Canada. She loved that my novel takes place in Canada, she loved that it goes back and forth from the historical to the present day, and she said it’s the perfect length. She took my proposal, invited me to submit the whole manuscript, and said if they like my book she will try to help me find an agent among the ones who are already on board with this project.  Not wanting to count any chickens here, but it sure gave me a needed boost.
Observation of the Day: Americans hang mirrors everywhere. Either they are carnival mirrors that make everyone look skinny, or… jeepers, I am skinny.
Emotional Moment of the Day: Hearing Christopher Yuan tell his incredible story and weeping even though I just read his book and knew what was coming. If you have not read Outof a Far Country (and especially if you have a prodigal family member), you need to read this book. (FYI, the Portage library has it.)
Annoyance of the Day: Speakers who say “turn to your neighbor and say…”
Take Home of the Day: “You mothers out there, beware of your prayers.” – Christopher Yuan
Shameful, superficial thought of the Day: “Oh no. That woman with the dreadful hair is wearing the same shoes I am.”
Encouragement of the Day: my “group” (Jim, Mike, Clarice, Peter, and Kimberley) emailing their support, making me laugh, sharing my disappointment,  and offering to flog this year’s winner for me.
Quote of the Day: “If you are impressed with yourself, there is a lot of heartache ahead.” –James MacDonald
Regret of the Day: eating that dessert. My belly is just one big groan.
Proud Mother Hen Moment of the Day: Seeing my buddy Peter, last year’s winner, signing his books.


  1. What? He's signing one for Michelle Cox? LOL! Sigh, our boy done grown up. Terrie, love your report. It sounds so healthy ... who wrote it?
