Dear Family & Friends,
I may have said this other years, but this time it’s
really true: this has been the most amazing year of my life! Should you find
the personal nature of this year’s letter too much information, I apologize in
advance. It is too intriguing not to share. But if you conclude that I have
lost all sense, for that I do not apologize. I know what is true.
If you received last year’s update, you know that I
became engaged to be married. My fiancée, Mary, is a descendant of King David,
like me. She’s a sweet girl and I hope you get to meet her one day. For a few
months last summer, however, I felt certain it would all be called off and I
would be looking for another bride.
Mary went to visit her cousin Elizabeth and it felt
like the longest three months of my life. You can imagine my joy when my future
father-in-law arrived at my door early one morning to tell me Mary had returned
the night before. But I doubt you can comprehend the devastation I felt when he
told me the rest of the news. Mary was pregnant. Furthermore, she was already pregnant
before she left Nazareth to visit Elizabeth. He looked sick with shame.
Naturally, he assumed I was the father and urged me
to move up the wedding date. But how could I? The child was not mine! He did
not believe me, and I am not certain he believes me yet, in spite of both
Mary’s and my insistence that I have not touched her. I only know the days that
followed were the most difficult of my life. Sleep deprivation and distraction
rendered me useless in my carpentry shop, so I went for a long walk while I
begged God for direction. Tortured, I waffled between breaking off the
engagement (how could I marry a woman who had proven so untrustworthy?) and
playing the hero by marrying as quickly as possible and raising Mary’s child as
my own, no questions asked.
But who was the real father, and would thoughts of
him haunt me all my days? Whose face would I see reflected in my child? Would I
be able to love and care for him or her? Would I grow to resent Mary more with
every passing year? I was already vexed with her for bringing this upon me. Yet,
my wish to protect her from disgrace tormented me. She may never find another
husband, given these circumstances. Her child would be despised and rejected.
I’ve seen it before.
During this tortuous time, I experienced the most
incredible—yet also the most real—encounter of my life. An angel of God came to
me in a vision! I know no words with which to accurately describe him, but
magnificent comes to mind. I’m a big guy and have faced tough men, but this
visit had me feeling as fragile as wood shavings on my shop floor. Until he gently
spoke my name and delivered his message.
“Joseph, son of David,” he said. “Don’t
hesitate to get married. Mary’s pregnancy is Spirit-conceived. God’s Holy
Spirit has made her pregnant. She will bring a son to birth, and when she does,
you, Joseph, will name him Jesus—‘God saves’—because he will save his people
from their sins.”
You might think it would be easy to
shrug off such an encounter as a weird dream. A little too much kosher wine the
night before, perhaps. But I knew it was so much more. The relief brought by
the angel’s words was immediate and complete. I knew what I must do. Mary and I
will go ahead with our plans and I will raise this miracle child.
Shortly afterwards, the Romans announced
their upcoming census which, for us, will require a trip to Bethlehem. Mary
assures me we have plenty of time to make the trip and return home before she
delivers. I know many of you face similar trips for the same reason, so I won’t
complain. I have not visited Bethlehem since childhood and who knows what we
may discover there?
So, rejoice with me, friends. I will
soon have a wife and a son! Next year’s letter will no doubt make you roll your
eyes with my stories of little Jesus and how clever and handsome he is. Now I
know it is my heavenly Father’s face I will see reflected in his.
Until then, God bless you.
Joseph of Nazareth
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