Prov 17:22

A merry heart doeth good like a medicine... - Proverbs 17:22

Friday, January 15, 2021

Lessons for the Retired, the Re-retired, and the Just Plain Tired

If you’re a faithful reader of this blog, you may remember how, after 18 months of retirement, I returned to my old job at city hall this past October “for a couple of weeks” until the position could be filled again. Three weeks into my “couple of weeks,” health restrictions tightened and many of us began working from home. I did so almost exclusively, going into the office only three or four times over the following nine weeks.

Once my replacement started, I agreed to train her. It’s tough to teach anyone all your bad habits remotely, so I spent my last six mornings in person at city hall, trying to stay six feet from my student, both of us in our masks. Fortunately for me, for city hall, and for taxpayers, my replacement is a smart, capable, and experienced worker who also grew up here, knows the city, and caught on quickly.

All told, my couple of weeks stretched into three months and I’m happy to say, “I’ve done enough damage here for this time around.” I’m tired!

Returning to my old workplace held some surprises in store.

When I initially retired, thoughts of work had fled my mind shockingly fast. When invited back, I feared I’d remember nothing and prove more of a liability than an asset. But within a day or two, I was even more surprised by how quickly I began “owning” the job again. Thinking about it when I didn’t need to. Solving problems not really mine to worry about. That’s not bad, but it’s exhausting. The effort has confirmed for me what I already knew—I’m not capable of holding down a permanent job and being the writer I want to be. At this stage of life, I must choose.

I also walked away with a few tips to share.

Firstly, don’t burn your bridges. When it’s time to retire or resign, leave with integrity. Once you’ve given notice, remaining invested can be hard but it’s worth the effort. Do everything in your power to finish what you began. Clean your desk thoroughly for the next person. As much as lies within you, provide your co-workers whatever they might need from you. People who do not leave well do not get invited back. (And even if you refuse the invitation, I can tell you it feels darn good to be asked.)

Secondly, whatever you’re working on, give your all. While working from home, I used the same space for my city work as my writing work, but two different computers. I made sure one was completely shut down and out of reach while working on the other. Carrying around ideas for both jobs in your head is challenging enough without having them drawn to your attention by pinging emails or chirping text messages.

Thirdly, be willing to adapt. Living and working through this pandemic is teaching us all new skills we never needed before. I was impressed by how well my coworkers committed to the protocols of mask-wearing, sanitizing, temperature-taking, distancing, and “zooming” without complaint. I admire how our I.T. team of two keep everyone’s computers functioning, especially with many working from home. I couldn’t believe how well it worked to be able to access files from home, thanks to the brilliance of those who understand this stuff. Kudos to all!

And now, it’s back to story-writing for this old retiree. But first, perhaps a nice long nap.

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters,  since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” (Colossians 3:23-24 NIV)

City Hall in Portage la Prairie, Manitoba



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