Prov 17:22

A merry heart doeth good like a medicine... - Proverbs 17:22

Monday, March 2, 2015

It’s my party and I’ll give away a book if I want to.

If you were a reader of this blog back in December of 2011, you may remember a fictional Christmas story called Dorothy’s Carol which ran as a continuing series. Last year, I expanded that story and entered it in a contest where it won second place and earned a spot in a book called Out of the Storm which released February 3. You can order this multi-genre collection of 12 short-stories in either book or e-book format HERE with proceeds going to the scholarship fund of the American Christian Fiction Writers. If you’d like to try for a free, signed copy, leave a comment below. I will put your name in a draw and announce the winner on Friday.


  1. I would love to be entered!! Way to go! Jacki

  2. I knew Terrie Todd before she was famous! Please enter me in your drawing!

  3. Oh please oh please enter my name. This is Nettie Neudorf.

    thanks Terrie

  4. Congrats, Terrie! Yes, please enter me as well. Thanks for the offer!

  5. Count me in, Terrie!
    Lindy Stayer

  6. You are without doubt my favorite author. Barb Knott

  7. Congratulations to the winner, Carol Kerk of Elkhart, Indiana! Hope you enjoy the stories, Carol. It was probably meant to be, since the name of my short story in this book is "Dorothy's Carol."
